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Book Coaching

Editors work with manuscripts. Book coaches work with writers.

Book coaches are editors. We are project managers, mentors, critics, and when need be, we are task masters or cheerleaders. As your book coach, I will walk every step of your journey with you.

Is Coaching Right For You?

If you answer yes to any of the below questions then coaching could help get you on the right track to reaching your book writing goal. 

  • Have you stepped away from writing for too long and now feel stalled?
  • Do you have scenes that lack a clear point or narrative drive?
  • Do you feel like you’re working in a bubble and want a co-strategist?
  • Are you using research as an excuse to procrastinate?

  • Are you stuck in revision? Are you just plain stuck?

  • Are you a new writer finding your way?

Why work with me?

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Because I’ve been there!

I’ve written three historical fiction novels and three non-fiction books. I’m a librarian, archivist, author, and certified book coach. 

You don’t have to do it alone.

I’ve helped authors including Hillary Clinton to MSNBC newscasters with research. I’ve also sat on the floor with fifth graders mapping out the plot points of their story on poster board. And I’ve helped Women of World War 2 Hawaii record their stories. 

I’ll be your co-strategist, your accountability partner, your sounding board and I will be honest, compassionate and invested in your story.

I only take on clients when we BOTH think we’re a good fit. The most important and the most often question I will ask you is WHY? Why are you writing this book? Who are you writing it for? What do you consider success? Why are you the best person to write this book? Do you honestly want to give this project the time and mental and emotional energy it will take? Think about it. 


“All History is Story.” Ken Burns


It’s all story. My job is to help you write your best story. It’s all fiction–even the most heavily researched textbook you’ve ever read was written “on a slant.” It’s all about the legacy you chose to celebrate.

As writers we create our own world. Yes, we tell the universal tales of the human condition, but we do it through our own eyes.

As a book coach, I’ll help you with the nuts and bolts of writing. As a librarian, I’ll help you with your research, and as a cheerleader and accountability coach, I’ll keep you on track. 

So, what’s holding you back? Tell the story of your world!

Take a look at my backyard of the world! It’s inspired me to write seven books. I admit, the Hawaiian islands are stunning, but so is your backyard. It’s all in what we see. 

let’s get to know each other.

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