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Dorothea Buckingham - Historical Book Coach


the compass package is for you. 

Sometimes we all need some direction while writing our book. Maybe you’re sure not what your next step should be? Maybe you’d like some professional feedback on where you are so far?  The COMPASS PACKAGE is a short-term, intense look at your project. We will examine the purpose of your story, its structure, the world building, the scenes, logic, narrative drive, trajectory, pacing, dialogue character arcs and readability. And then we stop, breathe and see if it’s the story you want to tell. 

Cost: $199

Dorothea Buckingham - Historical Book Coach


If you want professional feedback for your manuscript, this package is for you. It  includes an intensive evaluation with a thorough reading of your entire book. I will examine the structure of your story, your world building, the scenes, logic, narrative drive, trajectory, pacing, dialogue character arcs and readability. I will include a 10 page editorial letter and some inline comments. I will also include a plan of action for your next step.

After you receive your editorial letter, we will book two half-hour phone calls to talk it through.

Cost: $800

Dorothea Buckingham - Historical Book Coach


This all-inclusive custom package offers full support in all aspects of your manuscript revision. If I haven’t done a  manuscript evaluation, I will read the entire manuscript. I will respond with an editorial letter followed by a half-hour phone call to discuss your project. After that, you will submit 50 pages twice a month for my review. Each submission deadline is followed by a half-hour phone call where we decide the next step in your revision. If we move at a pace of 50 pages per deadline, a 300 page manuscript revision will take three months. That is why this package requires a three-month minimum commitment. 

Cost ranges Based on Project Needs
birds at sarasota sunset


A new group coaching cohort will begin in October 2024. This course will include craft, reference strategies, and project management. The group is limited to five historical fiction writers. We will meet twice a month for 90 minutes on Zoom. I offer a mini-course RESEARCHING AMERICA that is part of this coaching. You will receive that course at the beginning of this membership. The class will be informal but vigorous. It’s hands-on and practical. If you have any questions, email me at: 

Cost: $299 for a commitment of six months
Applications for this group will be posted August 2024.